Sunday, March 23, 2008

Black and white tree: winter scene

I saw this tree while driving on a country road. I quickly turned around and stopped the car on the edge of a field to take the shot, when a truck pulled next to me and the driver asked"Are you OK?" This has happened to me several times since I have gotten "hooked" on photography!
f/22, ISO equiv. 200, focal length 38mm, Pentax K100D Super. Then, in Photoshop, B&W conversion in LAB mode, and a simple adjustment with a Levels layer.
I welcome your comments.


Unknown said...

I absolutely love this picture. I cannot believe you shot this yourself. Very good eye! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Retrospective. I was on a long drive home and saw an old tree standing alone in a field. I thought we had a lot in common.
When I got home, I found your picture on-line, and added the haiku I wrote. It's now hanging in my hallway.
Maybe this link will show you what I did. (your photo credit is attached, of course!)